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Crowfest – Saturday 13th July

Following the successful CrowFest event in 2022, Crowborough Town Council are organising Mini-CrowFest on Saturday 13 July.

This one-day free festival will bring together a range of local talent for your entertainment, including live music, DJs, comedy plus arena performances, and a wide range of stall holders and food & drink vendors.

Check out the dedicated CrowFest social media pages on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest information.

Eco Hub Let's talk about the Environment.  Find out how to contribute to a more sustainable Crowborough which having fun at a festival.

Eco Hub

One again Green Transition Crowborough will have a range of activities on show in and around the Eco Hub. They’ll be representatives from the Community Pantry, Repair Café, Scrapstore, Froest School, Community Orchard, Crowborough Wildlife Group, food and horticulture and energy. Outside we will once again have our popular display of electric vehicles and also Crowborough Football Club will be running a Beat the Goalie game.

The EcoHub, as with all other stalls, will be open between 1 and 6pm. The event however goes on into the evening – so lots of food, drink and live music to enjoy.

See you on 13th July!


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