Crowborough Community Orchard

Crowborough’s new community orchard is finally coming to fruition.

After a long search for a suitable site, we have now found a place in partnership with Ashdown School. Our site used to be a school playing field and will be used for forest school activities as well as a community orchard.

Some woodland trees have already been planted and orchard trees are on order to be planted this winter. Would you like to get involved?

In the last 30 years or so hundreds of community orchards have been established across the country. The idea is to create an orchard that is planted and tended by members of the local community for the benefit of their community. Local examples can be found at Rotherfield, Tunbridge Wells and Ringmer.

A community orchard tackles many issues at once.

  • It is a way of enhancing biodiversity and providing a carbon sink
  • It provides healthy outdoor activity for young and old, building social cohesion
  • It provides organic, locally grown food at zero food miles
  • Heritage varieties of fruit trees can be saved for future generations
  • It helps local people improve their diet
  • Green spaces, especially trees, help promote better mental health
  • An opportunity is provided for children to learn where their food comes from
  • Local people can learn new skills: how to plant and prune trees, how to cook and preserve fruit etc.
  • It provides a simple way for people to get involved in growing their own food – even if they cannot take on the bigger commitment of an allotment


Members help with practical tasks such as weeding and planting and will enjoy fruit from the orchard when it becomes available. Members can also access the site at agreed times such as weekends and school holidays.

Membership costs just £5 per year for an individual, couple or family.

Sponsor a tree!

Would you like to sponsor a tree to be planted in Crowborough’s community orchard?

As the sponsor of a tree you can participate in planting if you wish and your sponsorship will be acknowledged on the website and at the orchard. Sponsors are automatically members of Crowborough community orchard for five years.

Trees normally cost £30 but this may vary according to type and variety.

Please visit to read more and use the Contact Us page to join in the fun!



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