Electric car being charged at The Blue Anchor in Crowborough
Three rapid chargers have been installed at the Blue Anchor and there are now six fast chargers in the Croft Road car park.
Sign the petition to call on East Sussex County Council to introduce a 20mph speed limit across Crowborough.
Eco-Schools flag
Ashdown & Sir Henry Fermor schools have obtain their Eco-Schools Green Flag award.
artytime scrapstore logo
The scrapstore in Jarvis Brook allows people to reuse items for art and craft projects.
Heritage apple varieties - photo taken at The Weald & Downland Living Museum
Would you like to try a Wadhurst Pippin, or Golden Bounty? Perhaps pick an Ashdown Seedling or Crawley Reinette?
Green Transition Crowborough logo
A healthy Lifestyle in a Healthy Environment.
Crowborough Eco Fair
Eco Fair on Saturday 1st October from 11am until 3pm at the Scout HQ on Whitehill Road.
Charlie's Angels Kitchens: Pay As You Feel
In this month's food blog we look just over the border at a food waste initiative in Tunbridge Wells.
Visit to Hollingdean Materials Recovery Facility in Brighton.
Blue Anchor pub on Beacon Road in Crowborough.
The Annual General Meeting of Green Transition Crowborough will be held on Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7.30pm.